

Inventory keeps track of all items/parts that are available in company warehouse as well as in each of Technicians warehouses.

Inventory is still work in progress, so it may not work as you expect, or wish. We hope with Your help, it can become awesome.

Inventory - Desktop view
Inventory - Desktop view
Inventory - Mobile view
Inventory - Mobile view
  1. Search for item Category or Part # in inventory.
  2. User to narrow the search. It can be:
    • WAREHOUSE searches only in company main warehouse.
    • user name searches only in single user warehouse.
    • All searches in company and all users warehouses.
  3. Flags shows if item is below its minimum Qty threshold.
  4. Kind of the appliances that are compatible with this item.
  5. Brand of the appliances that are compatible with this item.
  6. Category shows short name/category of the item.
  7. Part # of the item.
  8. Description shows any description/notes for the item.
  9. Stock of the item. Single item may have multiple stocks, each with different Supply price. See 10,11,12,13 and 14.
  10. Supply price for the item.
  11. - decreases Qty with 1.
  12. Qty shows current stock quantity.
  13. + increases Qty with 1.
  14. Transfer items to other User/Technician, so the item qty will be decreased on the currently opened warehouse, and will be increased on the selected user warehouse.
  15. Pagination of the inventory item list. You can select how many items to see at once, and going to Next/Previous result page.
  16. + adds new inventory item to the system.

Inventory Item

Inventory Item - Desktop view
Inventory Item - Desktop view
Inventory Item - Mobile view
Inventory Item - Mobile view
  1. Deletes currently opened inventory item from the system.

Inventory Item - Info

Inventory Item - Info Pane
Inventory Item - Info Pane
  1. Kind of the appliances that are compatible with this item.
  2. Brand of the appliances that are compatible with this item.
  3. Category shows short name/category of the item.
  4. Part number of the item.
  5. Warn Qty will show warning flag when item Qty falls behind this value. Optional
  6. Description any description/notes for the item. Optional

Inventory Item - Stock

Inventory Item - Stock Pane
Inventory Item - Stock Pane
  1. Supply price of the item's stock.
  2. - decreases Qty with 1.
  3. Qty for the item's stock line quantity.
  4. + increases Qty with 1.
  5. Deletes current item's stock line.
  6. +1 adds new item's stock line.