
Table of Contents


Search allows you to search the system database for specific Client/Service details.

Search - Desktop view
Search - Mobile view
  1. Search box, where you can put your search term.
  2. Type of the search. One of:
    • NAME - searches for client name.
    • ADDRESS - searches for client address.
    • TELEPHONE - searches for client telephone number.
    • WORK ORDER - searches for service work order.
    • OWN ORDER - searches for service own order.
    • PART NUMBER - searches for part number in a service.
  3. Name of the client.
  4. Address of the client.
  5. Telephone is client's primary number.
  6. Pagination of the search list. You can select how many search results to see at once, and going to Next/Previous result page.

Searched term match, is highlighted in RED