Table of Contents
Workplan shows all Visits user needs to make for the day.
If user has reordered visits will be shown in that order, and not chronologically.
Workplan - Visits & Map view
- User for which Workplan is shown. This field is visible only for Admin user role. Technician user will only see his/hers workplan.
- Date selected for visits to be shown.
- TODAY button that will change Date to the current day.
- TOMORROW button that will change Date to the next day.
- Add/Edit Workplan. This button can be:
- RED Workplan is not made.**Visits** are shown in chronological order. Clicking on this button will open _new_ Reordering.
- BLUE Workplan is already made. **Visits** are shown in order that was selected. Clicking on this button will open Reordering.
- VISITS list for the day.
- PARTS list for the corresponding visits for the day.
- MAP shows all visits on a centered map. Each Map Marker color shows visit status, and visit order number. You can zoom map, or make it full screen, with the button in upper right.
- PHONE make a phone call to the Client primary telephone number.
- NAVIGATION opens Google Maps showing Client address, ready for navigation.
Shows all the Parts user needs for the day.
Workplan - Parts & Map view
Reordering enables user to change the order of visits for the day, depeding on work for each visit, route distance, etc.
This screen is meant to be viewed on a big screen(computer/tablet). Trying to reoder with drag on a small screen will be very uncomfortable.
Usually Technician will prepare its Workplan the evening before the day, on his personal home computer/tablet.
Workplan - Edit & Drag
- Name, Date shows user name and date of the workplan.
- Visit being dragged with a mouse or touch. Number in the upper left corder will change accordingly when the visit is dropped, and will show the order number for the day.
- Locked visits shown where you may not drag the visit anymore, because current start time + duration of the Visit conflicts with the times for the locked visits.
- Unlock timing switch will disable Locked visits protection from above, and will allow dragging for the whole day. Use this with caution.
- MAP shows all visits on a centered map. Each Map Marker color shows visit status, and visit order number. You can zoom map, or make it full screen, with the button in upper right.
Visit Preview
Preview allows review of the selected Visit, to aid the ordering decision by the user.
Visit can't be modified from preview. In needs to be expanded. See point 3., below.
Workplan - Edit & Open
- Selected visit has purple border, as well is marker on the map.
- Visit preview, suitable for review. From here you can click and see its Service, Parts, etc.
- Expand the current preview ready for modifications.
- Close the opened preview, and expand the MAP on its place.